If you're a good programmer, don't worry - it's ok. I won't judge you. In fact, I won't even blame you. It's probably not your fault, after all. It's probably just a combination of passion… Read Article →
I love my wife. Conclusion: my wife and my job are different . I love my wife. Conclusion: my wife and my job are similar . Like any word, "love" will mean something different depending on… Read Article →
My parents once said that I was like a light switch - either "on" or "off", with no in-between. Since then I've been called "intense", "obsessive", and "relentless". I was even told once I… Read Article →
I used to think that Computer Science was for chumps. That it was all just a bunch of academic bullshit that's no use to anyone in the real world (unless you're one of those neckbeards… Read Article →
Ever been asked something in an interview that just totally stumped you? I have. It’s been a while, but I remember those painful moments where you’re racking your brain and coming up blank… Read Article →